10 September 2010

The AOi Master Class - The Essentials of Self Promotion

On Wednesday I attended The AOI Master Class: The Essential of Self Promotion. Verdict: Informative.

It had a slightly frosty atmosphere and I had more than a twinge of Déjà vu of being back at university with someone being promptly told to 'put their phone away, we don't have anti-social behavior here' - this was before anything had started and after i had stood for a looooong 4 minutes waiting for someone to look up from the desk to 'Welcome' me and say hello (which incidentally never happened so i took a seat). I suspect the phone culprit was probably trying to fill the awkward 10 minutes in the near silent room waiting for the talk to commence. But these things always start off like this.
However I will give it's dues, it did warm up, with the help of the first speaker Rod Hunt [www.rodhunt.com] a very talented vector Illustrator whom i found very interesting to listen to and feel i did come away with some new ideas and expanded knowledge of promotional websites - it was a good, informative 45 minutes.

Unfortunately I had a prior commitment with a client so could only stay for the first half so i can't say how the rest of the evening progressed, I slipped away before I was caught phoning my client at the break and left with a great sample pack from Rod Hunt for inspiration.